Saturday, September 13, 2008

Dinner with long-time friends

Libby, Sophie, Max, Abby, Hallie, & Jack
We went over to Dori & Scott's house last night for pizza.  The kids had a blast together!  At one point in the evening, all of the kids were being loud.  Scott joked that it was a daycare - just drop them off at the front door!  I remember when we'd go over to their house (before kids) & watch movies together -now we have 6 kids between us.  I am so thankful for Dori's friendship.  I'm glad we've stayed friends over the years!


Colored With Memories said... sweet! Dori is supposed to be heading up here one day soon...this post reminds me I need to get on the ball and get that planned! Aren't old friends the best?!?

Rachelle said...

So Fun! I can't believe how big all the kids are! WE should all hang out next time I am in the "Big D"...=)

Dori said...

I have to say I've never seen such attractive kids myself ;))

I'm soo thankful for our friendship as well!!!

Love you all,