Thursday, August 02, 2007

Sophie's 1st Swimming Lessons!
This was her first day of swimming lessons. Notice the pout she has on her face! She had that same look the entire lesson that day! It was so cute!

Notice the pout is still there! It cracked me up! :) After two weeks of swimming lessons, she was "swimming" from one person to another, putting her face in the water & blowing bubbles, & having a great time! I'm really glad we did it!
Here's sweet little Libby standing up next to the couch! She's getting big! She's 7 months old!


Anonymous said...

I sure enjoy getting to see these pictures of the girls...always so precious! Hope to talk with you ~KB

Anonymous said...

hello, this is you`r aunt sheia.congratulations!!!! missy, you are so right about the boys clothes, lot differant than girls!loved you`r blog, so glad sherri sent it to me. the girls remind me sooo much of you.