Christmas Morning
Here's a few pics from Christmas morning. I forgot to take pictures - but we videoed it! :)
Libby scooting around!
We often joke about the "Cunningham Change" our children go through when they turn 1 years old. This blog is a window into our lives where you will see all the changes our sweet children are going through & the changes they are causing in us.
Christmas Morning
Here's a few pics from Christmas morning. I forgot to take pictures - but we videoed it! :)
Libby scooting around!
Girls will be girls! (I'm sure you can see that Sophie was having a HARD time sitting still!)
Libby - 10 months old!
(For all my northern family members - that's what Big Tex (this giant statue of a cowboy) says at the state fair!)
We went to the fair this past weekend with Rhett, Rebecca, Fielder, & Linda. We had a great time! The weather was pretty good - it got hot towards the end.
I know this picture isn't the best - but it's the only one we took of all 4 of us! :( It was chilly in the morning - so the camera fogged up..... Oh well, if you squint your eyes just right - you can see us! ;) Actually, Sophie's in the front seat of the stroller with the blanket over her head... oh well, we tried!
This was a sad story... this lady (yes, that's a lady) was picking Sophie up to make sure she was tall enough to ride this ride with Fielder. Well.... look at the next picture...
This is Sophie watching Fielder on the ride because she was too short! :( Actually, she did really well - she didn't throw a fit! She cried a little - but then she just stood there and watched.
Here's sweet Libby taking a much needed a nap at the fair! I think she liked all of the noise!
Sophie finally got to ride a ride! She was tall enough to ride the tea cups! Being this was her first ride ever - I think it was a good start! It was fun - but not too fast!
Now we all know how good the greasy fair food is (ahhem, Rebecca)! Here's Libby eating her fair food of choice ------ Cheerios! :)
This was soooo funny! We were about to leave & when we looked down at her - she had fallen asleep with a sucker in her mouth! Now how many kiddos fall asleep with candy in their mouth? She must have been super tired!
Here's some of Sophie & Libby's friends:
Sophie, Libby, McKenna, Cali, London, & Trinity
We finally did it! :) I cut the top of her pacifier off to wean her off of it! She kept giving it to me telling me it was broken, I needed to wash it, & then I needed to dry it. So after a little crying & talking to me about it - she finally fell asleep without it!! :)